I am a UX designer who focuses on what is universally important to people to create seamless experiences for everyone.

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Get to Know Me!

My vietnamese name is Huy /wē/ Tran, but I refer to myself as Henry to make it easier for everyone. I am currently a senior student at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), majors in User Experience (UX) Design. I am expecting to graduating in June 2021 and active seeking for amazing opportunities to create and bring best designs closer to the users.


Some questions you might have…

  1. Who exactly am I? 🧐

    I am originally from Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. In 2013, I moved to the US to attend high school in a small town of Kansas. Then I moved to a beautiful city, Savannah, GA, to pursue a major in User Experience Design at SCAD.

  2. Why UX Design?

    I believe that coming from Vietnam and growing up in a lower class family allows me to see things in different lenses as well as noticing small meaningful things in our world that are important to people. While honing my design skill, I take advantage of my background along with my design skills to bring different perspectives onto the table that could help to reach users in the most genuine way.

  3. What excites me about design?

    The mystery! 🔮 As a curious kid (one that would touch everything at the store), I enjoy the process of exploring every corners of a design, all the possibilities before producing something that is beautiful but meaningful to users.

  4. What do I think about collaboration? YAY or NAY?

    Definitely big YAY!! I cannot express how much I enjoy working with others and learning about their thinking process which can be extremely useful to the projects. Therefore I am grateful to be part of several SCADpro (Sponsored Course) where I got to lead an amazing Google team. Because of the combination of 15 creative minds, we often ran into many communication challenges. But I now have a list of things I could do to make things transparent for others, and I learn how to give feedbacks that would potentially provide clear directions.

  5. What do I do in your free time?

    When I am not squeezing my creative juice or pixel pushing, I enjoy creating joy and being around my friends or watching a lot of Disney movies, and I mean A LOT! We all need a little magic 🧚 in our life, right?


Also as you can see 👇I also love keeping things organized in my desktop screen when I’m free!

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