Google x SCADpro


Project Manager
Interaction Designer

10 Weeks, FALL 2020 - Virtual
Sponsored by Google Accessibility Team

15 creatives
10 majors, 6 backgrounds



Google Accessibility Team collaborated with SCAD to develop artifacts that showcase the tremendous impacts of inclusive design and what it means to “design for everyone”. I was attracted to the project because of being an asian and in a minority group, I deeply understand what it likes when someone is being excluded. I decided to take on the challenge and virtually lead an amazing team to take one step closer toward an inclusive world.

team intro.jpg


01-The Challenges


How might we convince product teams to pilot an inclusive design project?

Constraints on SCAD teams:

  • Fully Virtual Course

  • Communication

Constraints on Google:

  • Rapid Buy-in

  • Cost & Competing Priorities

  • Recognizing Exclusion

02-Initial Research


The team was super lost at the beginning of this project because we did not know where to start. Therefore, I had to do a lot of research on my own to narrow down different directions we could pursue. I wanted the team to take a step back and look at this problem holistically, so I divided the class into 3 small teams to reach out to people from 3 groups: grassroots, organization, and leadership.

We conducted 20 interviews through video calls, gather over 120 survey responses which gave us over 816 data points to analyze.


💬 Stories and Datas

Emotions from stories play a key role in order to get people’s interest in inclusive design. However, it has to be followed by actual data and numbers that connect directly to the team existing OKRs/goals

📊 Lack of Resources

Inclusive design information can be broad and conceptual which lead to confusion when Google employees want to research on inclusive design.

💪 Motivation

Teams don’t often feel motivated to start inclusive design projects or stay motivated throughout. Lack of motivation is caused by not aware of inclusive design application within the context of the team

My first time affinitize and analyze insights virtually through Miro

My first time affinitize and analyze insights virtually through Miro

04-Final Solution


Despite many communication challenges, it was essential for me as a leader and a designer to always try to understand both sides of the discussions as well as using the insights we have gathered as a team to guide our solution and fulfill the goals that were given to us.

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Google Reach

Google Reach is an inclusive design incubator centered around empowering and amplifying the voices of “unheard” users as well as provide Google designers seamless access to inclusive design information. This huge goal will be achieved through ReachMe and Reach Everyday



ReachMe is a hub that can be utilized to share and store touching stories from real users across the world. This hub is available to both Google designers and the general public, acting as a channel of communication and connection to embody the values of inclusive design.

👇 Below is Kelly’s story, one in millions that ReachMe would receive 👇


Reach Everyday

Reach Everyday is an internal chrome plug-in that seamlessly integrates with an employee’s workday to provide inclusive design learning experience. The plug-in achieves that by providing handy snippets of inclusive design information on every new tab that is opened.


We want to redefine learning

Learning can sound intimidating and time consuming for our busy Google designers. Therefore, we dedicated hours of designing to make the experience subtle and hardly taking up any of their valuable time. Inspired the idea of a vending machine, an object is easy to spot and conveniently provide happy snacks to consumers, we want Reach Everyday to do the exact same thing under 4 different types of interaction: Daily Topics, Pop Quiz, Collection Card, and Googler’s Stories.


Daily Topics

Everyday, a random topic related to inclusive design is picked for the users, and further information snippets are provided based on that. These appear on everyone new tab that is opened.


Pop Quiz

Pop quizzes test a Googler’s inclusive design knowledge, and provide feedbacks for the reasons their choice is wrong or right. This allows users to stay motivated and reinforce the learning experience


Collection Cards

A set of cards that consists of stats and tips related to inclusive design, as well as videos fro, the ReachMe hub. These information is perfect for Googlers because it doesn’t require them to step away from their work.


Googler’s Stories

Googlers can also share their own experiences on how working with inclusive design benefited their team and the users. Showcasing these stories is a great way to sell and promote inclusive design culture.




Taking on the role as a Project Manager to lead such a diverse team virtually was definitely rewarding but with many challenges. It was important for me to find the balance between voicing my ideas as a designer and advocate for others as a leader. Our differences often led us to disagreements but it forced us to adapt to each other and find the common language. At the end of the day, we all have the same goal which is changing the world to be more inclusive and make real impact on humans.

Feel free to contact me if you are curious to learn more!

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